I need help now
Support and contact details for people who may be able to help you

Support if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or feel like you want to die

Thank you for reaching out. You’ve made the first step. Use this page to find support if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or feel like you want to die. You may also be feeling as though there is no way out or nowhere to turn.

We want you to feel safe. Help and support is available right now if you need it – you do not need to struggle alone.

Is your life in danger? If your life is at risk right now:

If you are thinking about suicide and feel unsafe or have harmed yourself:
  • Call 999 or go straight to A&E.
  • If you are outside of the UK, call 112 for Emergency Services.
The same advice stands if someone you know has suicidal thoughts and feels unsafe or has seriously harmed themselves. 

If you can't do this by yourself, please ask someone to help. 

If you can keep yourself safe for now, but still need urgent advice

If your life is not at immediate risk, but you need urgent help:
  • Call 111 (available 24/7)
 If you feel hopeless, desperate, and like there’s nowhere to turn, you can get help now. Remember, you deserve help, you are not wasting anyone's time. 

If you need to talk to someone right now

If you are struggling to cope and need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, there is always someone there to listen: These helplines are free, completely confidential and open 24/7, 365 days a year.
These helplines are for anyone who is struggling. No problem is too small.
Whatever you're going through, they will not judge you.

Tips for coping right now:

  •  Just focus on getting through today - plan small steps for getting through the day
  • Try to see that the way you are feeling is a response to the situation you're in and the challenges you've been facing - this won't be a permanent situation and things can get better. Letting someone know how you're feeling is the first step to changing the situation – connect with someone you trust or reach out to one of the support services above
  • Try to stay away from drugs and alcohol as these can affect your thoughts in a negative way
  • Try and focus on something you enjoy, such as spending time with a pet or one of your hobbies
  • Download the free Stay Alive app to create a safety plan focusing on the positives of life and more tips to help you cope

Check out the Dear Life Blog for upcoming news and service updates.

To download the free Stay Alive app,
please tap the relevant button below on your device.